Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So hers my workout..

A lot of people somehow got locked in on doing chest and triceps on Monday. Its for this reason, and cause I hate waiting, that I start my day one or Monday off with back and biceps. The back will take a lot of work, so you can overload it. the biceps will take a good amount of work, but at some point they reach exhaustion and become noodles, so pace yourself.

I use this workout for Back and Biceps. It has been pretty good to me. I start off with cable pulldowns to the front, with a weight heavy enough to encourage growth, yet light enough to allow me to do the exercise properly. For me, I lower the bar to right in front of the top of my chest, Holding it here for a second puts a little extra zing into the muscle before returning in a controlled manner to arms fully extended over head. Currently Im doing 100 pounds for three sets of eight.

Next I want to do an exercise that stretches the lateral muscle and strengthens them as well. I like to do a bent over row on a rowing gig. I use a fairly wide grip and pulling somewhat slowly into the chest. I do this with 90 pounds three sets for 8.

Next is one arm bent over row, I perform these with 70 pound dumbbells, making sure the elbow rises straight above the back itself. three sets of 8.

Next is low pulley row, with 110 pounds. the focus here is to keep the back straight on completion. Knees slightly bent, to avoid putting stress on the joints.

Finishing up the back, more pulldowns, close grip this time. and since Im using a close grip, I can lean back and isolate the lateral muscles on this one. go as heavy as you can and still perform the exercise correctly. I do three sets with 100, for eight sets, then do a extra set at 70 of 20 just to pump it up a bump.

Now I move on to my arms. I like to start off with a fairly heavy preacher curl, three sets, then off to seated hammer curls, heavy and three sets of eight. Next I will work up a curl bar, for a total weight of 75. I do three sets of eight. next is a super set. I dont do these often, but his is one I enjoy. I do seven ups, ( a three part exercise consisting of seven lifts, from resting full arms extended to waist high, then seven lifts from waist height to shoulder height, and finally seven lifts from full rest to shoulder height.) and then between sets I use a low cable, set at its lowest position, and do curls with a low weight. This really pumps the bicep. Some days I feel like it is going to explode. I finish up with three sets of preacher curls, taking an extra beat during the exercise. going a little slower works the arm a little more intense.

I also do ab work on each days workout. I currently do 120 over the course of three sets. I do 10 with my legs bent at a 90 degree angle, then 10 with them slightly less bent, 10 with them straight up, and then ten bent below 90, I do three sets of this.

I finish up with my cardio. I used to do 30 minutes of cardio at a average or slower rate. Yesterday, I pushed harder, almost double for 15 minutes. The calorie level was about the same, and the sweat on my shirt seemed to indicate the 15 minutes of intense training, was just as good as 30 minutes, starting slow and working up to fast.

Ok hit the showers, and we'll discuss my second day workout next, Chest and triceps.

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hey speak up Id like to hear what you're thinking.