This is Jonathan

As my body starting growing into puberty I began to have serious issues withy my knees. I dislocated my right knee at age 12, then the left one the following year. This cycle continued for several years. I finally ended up having surgery on one the right one after the third dislocation and having it locked out of socket. The physical therapy then was pitiful. It consisted of leg extensions with small weights. I was able to work myself back into running to get in shape, but any physical contact was out of the question, and jumping could be a painful experience. Finally when I was in the army, I learned a little about muscle development. I was in a unit that ran every day, and the PT NCOIC was pretty stringent on building muscles to support the mission on hand. Of course when I got out of the army, all running ceased. I went into and gathered some bad habits, drinking heavily, smoking, overeating and becoming a couch potato.
One day about ten years ago, I got very frustrated and depressed. I was overweight, constantly out of breath, and couldn’t see my shoes when they were on my feet. I threw the smokes on the mantle, and quit cold turkey. It was terrible. I had read a book by Anthony Robbins that said “no bad habit goes away without pain associated with it. “ Hence the cold turkey, and in “order to break a habit, replace it with something pleasurable.” For me that was working out. I started out lifting and was the resident chubub. I got on the scale shortly after working out and noticed I weighed 245. Now, mind you I’m right at the line for 6’0 but I can say very little of it was muscle. I read and did as much research as I could. I eventually ended up earning a Personal Trainer certification form NESTA. ( National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association) . It was from this point that the effectiveness and efficiency of my workouts increased. I also soon found out that I do have a knack for training and motivating others. I wanted to reach as many people as I could. That’s why I started this blog. I hope you’ll enjoy it, and hope that it inspires you to get up and get in shape. You can do it.  I'm here and willing to help.