Monday, February 15, 2010

Packing that gym bag....

Fashion, believe it not shouldn’t be the first priority in the gym. Functionality, comfort and safety should always take preference. Not to say that fashionable gear isn’t available and not all are over priced. So lets pack your bag, for the gym… The first thing I always pack is a bottle of water. At least one 16oz bottle.

Let’s start with shoes. . Different activities may require different footwear. There is no one shoe that will cover all. I wish I could tell you what shoes would be best for you, but since everyone is different, alas so are the shoes, and no one shoe model will ever fit all. The best I can offer is advice. So follow some simple rules and you’ll be fine. First and most important, Don’t shop by price. If you find a great shoe at a great price, fantastic, but don’t settle for a off brand mediocre shoe that isn’t comfortable just because it appears to be a great price. My elders used to say all the time, don’t skimp on your shoes or your mattress. One you’re on all day, the other you’re on all night. Another reason to pick good shoes is poor fitting shoes can cause severe foot problems. Some of the more serious issues are Plantar Fasciitis, Bunions, corns and Calluses, hammertoes and claw toes, and something called Morton's Neuroma Metatarsalgia. None of these sound fun.

Take a good look at the activity you’ll be doing the most of. If you’re going to so aerobics, via a treadmill or running track, then you’ll want comfortable running shoes. If you’re workout is going to be more lifting than cardio, then Id look for cross training or training shoes. Make sure the soles are flat enough to provide adequate support and stability. If you plan on doing a lot of classes, then check with the instructor(s) ask them what kind of shoes they’d recommend. Most likely they will recommend a type, not a brand.

Socks at least two pair. Shoes are not made to be worn without socks. Doing so will curtail the life of the shoe. Not to mention as your foot sweats, it will slide and slip in the shoe, which is a quick recipe for blisters. Again the key here is comfort, and functionality. I prefer white because my feet really sweat, and I don’t like having them dyed by colored socks. I like ankle high or footie’s, as we used to call them. Depending on what I am doing that day. I find days where I am on my feet more; I like the footie’s.

Sweat pants or shorts. I like sweats. I don’t feel comfortable in shorts working out. Never have. It’s just a personal preference. I like cotton, soft and seamless. If you like shorts, be careful that the shorts aren’t tight around the thighs, and or waist. Check for seams that maybe rubbing on your skin. They should be loose and comfortable. But not so baggy that they could get caught on equipment or make you trip. You’ll find a variety of styles; closures snap buttons or the reliable tie at the waist ones. Colors are out there, in a literal rainbow of colors. You can obtain them in team’s logos and colors, locations, schools, and TV shows. You should have a different one for each day you intend on working out. You could wash the same one after you use it, each time, but that’s a lot of laundry…

Shirts, and or sweatshirts.
Again there are a million to choose from, the key is comfort. I’ve seen probably everything. I’ve seen women who enjoy just wearing a sports bra, covered with a halter or tank top, and I’ve seen others who like to wear a long sleeve tee shirt covered up with a sweatshirt.

I like to wear a ball cap when I work out, some do, and some don’t. I also like to listen to my IPOD as I workout. Somehow running on the treadmill doesn’t feel so bad when listening to Jackson Browne sing running on empty. If you mind calluses on your hands, wear gloves, or if your gym allows it gymnastic chalk. Or if you don’t mind then bring a moisturizer to soften the hands afterwards.

Lastly bring a towel, unless your gym provides them, and your shower goodies, soap, shampoo, etc, a pair of shower shoes and a lock for your locker, and your bag is complete.

Now for some stuff not to bring, and a work of caution..

Don’t overdress, unless you will remove items as you get heated. So don’t bring three sweatshirts to wear, or those damn plastic suits. The use of these while exercising can lead to Severe dehydration. Wearing plastic\rubber suits are dangerous! Although they were used in high school, by the football and wrestlers in my school, they have since been outlawed by the governing body of High School athletics. They cause over sweating and while you’ll lose weight at first, its going to be short lived, and could cause serious complications or death.. Working out when dehydrated can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, brain damage and even death!! If you have one from your old days on the wrestling team, toss it in the garbage now. If you don’t have one, don’t buy one. It’s a waste of your money.

Don’t bring your medicine cabinet. I don’t believe in miracle cures, they don’t work. There’s no pill to make you lose so much weight so fast or it’d be all over the place and everyone would be taking it. There’s no pill without side effects, to make you bigger. Notice I said without side effects. We’ll discuss steroids at another time.

Ok looks like your all set. Next let’s discuss what you can expect on workout day and what to expect the day after.

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hey speak up Id like to hear what you're thinking.