Tuesday, March 2, 2010

other benefits of working out.

You know those days where you're really stressed out?, tired aggravated from work and don’t really want to go to work out? Well believe it or not, those are the days that the workout will do the most for you.

Daniel M. Landers,ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY wrote an article, that highlights the mental health benefits provided by physical exercise. He states that many mental disorders, can be helped by engaging in physical activity. for more read here. http://www.fitness.gov/mentalhealth.htm The Mayo Clinic also agrees. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/depression-and-exercise/MH00043 In their piece they explain how exercise helps prevent and improve a number of health problems. C B Taylor, J F Sallis, and R Needle write in their article, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1424736/ "The strongest evidence suggests that physical activity and exercise probably alleviate some symptoms associated with mild to moderate depression."

So what are we saying. Mental health can be improved by physical activity. From my personal experience when I am working out, my mood goes through the roof. I feel euphoric. Why? well long ago I asked that same question. What I found out was, Endorphins, are released during stress and pain. they react in the body with Opiate receptors. They act like akin to drugs like morphine and codeine. The cool thing is medical science says, they wont lead to addiction. I have to question that being addicted to the euphoric feeling they produce. Another benefit is when the high levels endorphins are released, pain sensors are decreased and fewer negative effects of stress. cool huh? I've found that when I lift either heavy, or at a rapid pace, the Endorphins kick in. Once they kick in, my workout increases and at times can get very intense. The first thing I noticed when I actually noticed that it happened was the strength goes through the roof! I typically can lift on average 10 pounds heavier than I could before. It becomes a cycle, heavier workout = more endorphins= heavier workout. You can substitute heavier for more intense.. for those who are weight reduction or toning. Here’s an example I asked my friend, who I helped set up a workout , what goes through her head during and after she works out.

I asked her what are you thinking when you first started working out.

I mostly think about warmer weather, golfing with you and winning lots of prizes in tournaments.

now my friend is a golfer, a very good golfer, because she has very good visualization techniques and focus. Then I asked her what do you feel after?

After my workout my mind is clear, my thoughts are focused. My mind is not going a mile a minute thinking about 100 things all at once.

I asked her what do feel or think at the end of the workout.

It’s almost like a weight is lifted from me and I feel lighter. Does that make sense?
When I first started working out and especially during the weight training I probably wanted to hit you.. LOL

She is increasing her core strength and her limb strength, while cutting out excess body fat that is getting in her way. She doesn’t realize it yet, but she’s about to have her best year of golfing yet. She’s only been golfing a couple of years, and she breaks a hundred on a regular basis, and her scores get better every time out. She regularly beats others who are longer time golfers.

Now this is pretty cool in itself. However, its gets even better, I read how mental imaging of your goal, can help you achieve your goal. This is a technique that Anthony Robbins, teaches in his book Awaken the Giant within(http://www.amazon.com/Awaken-Giant-Within-Immediate-Emotional/dp/0671791540/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267554798&sr=1-1) Tony says see the goal, you want to achieve, step into it, feel it, smell it. Visualize the work that is required for that goal, and follow them for each step until you reach the goal. I can tell you that my success in going from an overweight couch potato into what I am today came from this very technique. I employ visualization techniques in all phases of my workout. Before I life the bar off the bench I see myself doing the number of reps, I want and always correctly and crisply. I see the results of the exercise, be it to shrink or grow a muscle. I concentrate on that muscle during the exercise. In Tony Robbins book he will tell you that not only does this work, its done by pretty much every great athlete. Do a search on the web and you'll find some great information. Here is why it works.

Seeing it, sets up patterns or memory reflexes that prepare you to DO IT. By seeing it and seeing each step required to do the movement you're training yourself to do that movement. A perfect example is close your eyes, visualize and imagine how to shoot a jumper, imagine each muscle that must move. Go into great detail. visualize the ball rolling from your fingers in slow motion and into the net. You've just learned Michael Jordan’s secret to making the shots he did. Michael has been quoted a million times, I always see it going in. I'm shocked when it doesn’t. Read that last line again. Im shocked when it doesn’t.  Be shocked when it doesn’t work. Remind yourself it always works, Your subconscious will try to fool you. Fight back. I have a friend who's a great golfer, when ever he wants to be. ... I say that because when he is on his game, He sees the ball leave his club, and take the exact path he wants, and land right where he wants, and then he steps up to the ball, and swings the exact same way, his head moves the exact same way, and more often than not, the ball goes the exact same way he imagined. He puts in a lot of work on the practice tees using that exact same swing. Now, if my friend increased his strength, and was in better core shape, He’d be imagining the ball going even farther. He’s held back by the physical limitations he put on himself.   I have a friend/ mentor who was fantastic with a pistol in his hand regarding target practice. He never shot less than 99% since I knew him. He used to say he sees every shot hit the target before it does. He’s developed those shooting muscles over the years of visualization and practice.

To make this work for you, pick your goal, lets say get toned. With each repetition see the muscles you are working, melting away to pure muscle. For instance, you want those flappers under your arms, gone? with each kick back hold that weight at the stress point of the movement and visualize the fat, melting off, onto the floor with your sweat. You'll work out harder to make it happen, your movement will be crisp and snappy, and doing the exercise correctly with a PMA. ( Positive Mental Attitude ) will make it happen. I know because it’s the exact formula I used to completely change my body.

See it, Feel it, Do it , Achieve it

See you again soon.


  1. Jonathan,
    I can not thank you enough for all that you have done for me physically and mentally. As the song goes I'm much to young to feel this d@mn old. Well thanks to you, that is no longer true for me. I have the energy levels like I have not had in quite some time now. The workout you have put together and the advice you give, is the best that I have ever gotten. It's difficult, challenging but not impossible to do. You get immediate results. The best one is knowing I can do it and feel amazing after a workout. I can't thank you enough for giving me my life back. Thank you one billion times, times infinity.

  2. Well put! Personally, I've found I'm a quite different person if I skip my morning workout from the person I am when I do exercise. The clarity and ability to focus after a good workout is something I wouldn't trade. A friend of mine who is a German-Indian neurosurgeon worked on a panel of doctors studying the brain activity of long distance runners and came to the conclusion when we exercise for long periods at a time, our brain activity in key areas of thoughts and emotions goes through the roof. He believes people who regularly exercise experience life in more depth than people who don't. Not only this, but that it is something that can be quantified by science. He believes exercise literally makes you more passionate for life and gives athletes a sense of feeling connected deeply.

    (btw, I'm Buck from Grabba Jabba if you're wondering who the heck I am)


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